ARA Hotel: Sleep in line with your values

Inclusion & Diversity
It is through inclusion that ARA Hotel plays its role in professional integration. This is its difference and its strength. This means that the company adapts its operations and workstations to ensure that working conditions are as optimal as possible, rather than the other way round. Here, 80% of the team is made up of disabled employees, who are often distanced from employment.
The establishment also plays a showcase role, presenting the diversity of the sector: soaps, teas, beers, wines, jams, etc. provided by other facilities for disabled employees (ESAT or EA). Ditto for the other service providers (landscape gardening, laundry). The objective? Changing the way clients look at disabled workers.
With over 25 years’ experience in social integration, Didier DUBOIS, founder and chairman of the VIDEAL group of Adapted Enterprises, realised that the sector was not well known to the general public. “It was therefore essential to create a place that could demonstrate our know-how, to be viewed by professionals and private individuals alike. What better place than a hotel to put our employees at the fore-front of an everyday customer-facing environment?”

A comprehensive approach to sustainable development
Since opening in 2015, our establishment in Landerneau has worked ceaselessly to implement environmental initiatives. Awarded many times for its commitment, the establishment has been voted” Jury’s Favourite” at the latest Sustainable Development Awards.
The European Ecolabel is celebrating its 25th anniversary, and ARA Hotel has decided to demonstrate its commitment by obtaining this label. Tourism, more than any other industry, requires a well-preserved environment, and consumers looking for eco-friendly holidays are increasingly demanding.
ARA Hotel already stands out in economic and social terms. With the Ecolabel, it’s our environmental commitment that we are emphasising and promoting. Here is a non-exhaustive list of what we do:
● product sourcing: buying local, seasonal, organic products
● minimal waste production: zero-waste initiatives, recycling, composting
● using products that are less toxic for the environment (Eco-label cleaning products etc.)
● low energy consumption and water use (Enercoop renewable energy contract, LED lighting, water savers on taps, water flasks and dispensers to eliminate plastic bottles in rooms)
● client and employee communication and awareness initiatives in eco-friendly gestures
● a local player in nature protection operations (collecting rubbish and cigarette butts), hosting associations, round tables, “Fresque du climat” (The Climate Fresk - a French non-profit organisation) and “Fresque des déchets” (Waste awareness workshop) events, etc.
● installation of electric charging points, and support for soft mobility (human-powered mobility)
All of these are DNA components of the ARA Hotel. This label gives credibility to our approach and ensures that our commitments are sustainable. The objective for Solène LAGATHU, CSR Manager: “To succeed in going further while retaining the same level of service quality and client comfort”. This has already been accomplished, with, for example, the elimination of plastic water bottles in rooms, replaced by eco-designed French water flasks assembled in ESATs. To fill them, self-service, micro-filtered water dispensers are also freely available in the hotel and restaurant.

CSR, a standard for companies that play their part
Committed to nature, the establishment wanted to have its CSR practises assessed. Corporate Social Responsibility is the voluntary integration of social and environmental concerns into business activities and stakeholder relations. A business that implements CSR aims to have a positive impact on society, while remaining economically viable.
After a meticulous AFNOR audit, Summer 2020, the ARA Hotel obtained an “Exemplary” label. This is the highest certification possible. According to Solène LAGATHU “This is sending out a strong signal: that this is a business that takes responsibility for the impact of its decisions and is committed to the sustainable development of its activities. By becoming the 2nd Breton enterprise to obtain this maximum level of certification, we are consolidating our continuous improvement approach, which is a source of great pride for our teams, who contribute to this success on a daily basis”.
According to AFNOR, “the level attained places the ARA Hotel in an exceptional position for a company taking part in the assessment for the first time. CSR is part of their DNA. This result is as remarkable for the company’s relatively young age (5 years) as it is for its size (10 employees)”. SCIC (Société Coopérative d'Intérêt Collectif), Adapted Enterprise status, European Ecolabel, strong local involvement etc. this assessment result praises the overall approach, and will enable corporate clients to include their choice of hotel as part of their own CSR policy.

A hotel accessible for all
It appears obvious to us that a hotel provides a service for everyone. In 2016, we took advantage of needing to renovate to improve our ability to welcome disabled people. Whether you have a motor, hearing, visual or mental disability, we’ve taken everything into account. Don’t hesitate to tell us about any specific needs when you make your reservation.
Since 1st January 2018, we have been awarded the “Tourism & Handicaps” label! This rewards our approach to accessibility. This label reflects the needs of people with disabilities who want to be able to choose their holidays and leisure activities in complete freedom. The label guarantees that disabled clients can appreciate their welcome knowing it will be efficient and adapted to their needs.
As ARA Hôtel is an Adapted Enterprise (an establishment employing at least 80% of people with disabilities), it seemed logical to us to apply for this label. Having fully complied with the specifications, we are now players and ambassadors committed to welcoming the disabled and PRM public.
More information on their website:

The ESSCAP label: Guaranteed 100% ESS traceability (ESS stands for a “Social and Solidarity-based Economy”)
The Social and Solidarity-based Economy is an important instrument for creating local jobs and quality services and products, in short circuits and with higher added value. It’s also a more respectful management approach that encourages the inclusion of employees who are different or who have encountered difficulties in the course of their careers.
It is also a more transparent mode of administration that encourages collaboration between all stakeholders - suppliers, producers and clients. That’s why, during your stay, ARA Hôtel offers you products and services from the social economy sector. ESSCAP certifies and guarantees that these products and services come from the social economy and provides a link between the various players.
ARA Hotel is the first stage of a project piloted by ESSCAP aimed at creating a larger network of catering and accommodation establishments in the form of socially responsible businesses, and making it easier for you to find products and services selected by ESSCAP.